Road Patrol Division Phone: (607) 687-1010
The Tioga County Road Patrol Division is the primary Law Enforcement Agency for Tioga County. The Road Patrol Division is responsible for performing traditional police work throughout the county. The Division is staffed by (27) members; (1) Lieutenant, (5) Sergeants and (21) Deputies. These men and women are hired in accordance with NYS Civil Service law requirements. These requirements consist of a written examination, physical agility testing, physiological testing and medical and drug screenings. Newly hired Deputies then attend the M.P.T.C. Basic Police Training Academy for (6) months to become NYS certified Police Officers. Deputies then are required to successfully complete six to eight weeks of on the job training conducted at the Sheriff’s Office. Upon successful completion of both phases of training Deputies are then assigned to Road Patrol duties with in Tioga County.
John Delmage